Envē California Aesthetics
With a Palm Springs and Orange County location, Envē California Aesthetics has grown to become a prominent player in the aesthetics industry. This cutting-edge MedSpa is guided by the principles of beauty and inner confidence. The California vibe plays a prominent role in both the visual style and tone of this practice. While working with Envē, the Urge team aimed to create a digital experience that accurately reflects SoCal while staying true to the values of fierce confidence, beauty, and glamour.
Service Provided:

About The Project
Envē California Aesthetics: The Beauty of Envē
Presenting the fun side of sunny California while conveying accurate service information and adding a touch of luxury into the mix posed the biggest challenge when helping this client develop their brand. Envē is all about style and California high-society. While projecting a tone of elegance and sophistication, the client also wanted to emphasize the concierge aspect of their practice. The main goal was to create an original website experience that is both high-end and service-oriented. In order to do so, our team had to incorporate natural Californian elements, visuals of the practice itself, and a video, all without negatively impacting website performance.
Since Signing up with Urge, Envē California Aesthetics Has Seen
6,000+ new website users
19,000+ website pageviews
50% bounce rate for the entire site