Social ads

Social Media Advertising

Digital advertising on social media networks like Facebook, Instagram and more!

Social media advertising is a must for businesses to compete in the saturated digital marketplace. It is estimated that 71% of all customers who have had a positive experience with a brand on social media are likely to recommend the brand to others. With such a high reach potential, the importance of a solid social media standing cannot be stressed enough.

That being said, organic reach is down extensively across most social networks, and reaching your target audience can be quite difficult without targeted PPC strategies, social media boosting, and effective content. Therefore, the days of simply posting on Facebook and Instagram and expecting massive conversion are sadly over. To survive in the online marketplace and effectively grow your bottom line, you need a powerful social advertising strategy.

Today, it’s all about how you target your audience. That is to say, your advertising strategies should be geared toward your specific niche, with enticing “call to action” tag-lines. Paid social media strategies help with exactly that, assisting you in achieving effective social lead generation. At Urge Interactive, our expert digital marketing managers offer skillful social media campaign building and targeting ad services to help you scale quickly.

Urge’s Professional Social Media Reach

When using Facebook and Instagram for advertising, your goal must be to drive customers – not just visitors. This involves using conversion-based ad campaigns. Here are the basic steps Urge marketing specialists take to make your ads as successful as possible:

  • We Utilize Interest-Based Targeting – The platform’s versatility allows for precision audience targeting. Consequently, our compelling content based on audience age, gender, status, and other factors yield decisive results.
  • We Use a Compelling Lead Magnet – A lead magnet serves as an incentive to your customers, enticing them with a reward in exchange for their engagement.
  • Our Team Crafts High-Converting Landing Pages – Populating your landing pages with headlines, calls to action (CTAs), and well-written content promotes engagement and conversions.
  • We Drive Qualified Traffic to Landing Pages – Paid social advertising is a powerful way of attracting more business attention.
  • We Provide Low-Friction Conversions – An effective sales strategy doesn’t advertise sales directly, instead it offers powerful incentives to encourage customer conversion.
  • Monitoring and Improvements – Successful advertising is a constantly evolving process. Therefore, in order to succeed, you need a dedicated social marketing team. who’s on the pulse on today’s trends.

Social media ads on cellphones


The Incredible Reach and Impact of Digital Advertising

77% of small businesses use social media to connect with their customers, and 41% depend on social media as a revenue driver.*

Instagram now has over 2 billion monthly active users–a 42.86% increase from 2017 when it had 700 million.*

76% of social media users have eventually purchased something they saw on social media.*

mobile website

Reach the Largest Possible Audience Now!

A successful social media strategy requires a partnership with a marketing company that understands your business and has a proven record of success. Urge Interactive has a long history of helping businesses like yours reach their highest potential. To learn what Urge can do for you, call us at (888) 348-3113 or submit the contact form below, and we will be in touch soon!

*Source: Forbes Advisor.