5 Ways to Market Your Derm Practice During Melanoma Awareness Month

Marketing your practice requires nuance. You wouldn’t highlight a winter skincare routine in July, and the inverse is true too. 

An important part of successfully selling your practice is gauging what your audience is searching for at any given time. From there, you can position yourself as an expert and move potential or existing patients through the pipeline for bottom-line profit. 

Here’s the “how-to” for the month of May, which is also Melanoma Awareness Month, and brings us to our first piece of advice: research the social landscape surrounding your vertical.

Social holidays are frequent, educational, and sometimes, even fun. When they’re a natural fit for your practice, capitalizing on them feels organic and obvious — forcing it, however, is a great way to confuse and alienate potential patients. 

Luckily that won’t be a problem for dermatology or med spa practices during May. In addition to Melanoma Awareness Month, Sunscreen Day lands May 27 and as such, makes a great opportunity for either a flash sale or a month-long promotion on SPF products. 

Client tip! One of our existing clients does an annual sunscreen sale that generates a ton of profit for them.

The month of May is ripe with pre-summer temperatures and Google searches that relate to the incoming sunshine. Across the nation, people are gearing up for everything the new season brings with it, including overexposure to the sun. As such, it’s a great opportunity to advertise for skin checks and skin cancer screenings. While there’s a natural upswing in searches, now is the time to push your SEO and keyword marketing efforts, homing in on summer’s seasonal queries. 

As you increase your spend on SEO advertising, be sure you can back it up. Educational blog posts and articles that showcase your expertise will help generate traffic and ensure your clientele that you’re qualified for the job. Position yourself as a go-to practice for expert opinions and education on topics like melanoma, skin cancer prevention, early detection, early warning signs, etc. 

Client tip! Another one of our clients supports a charity that specializes in melanoma research and recovery, donating a portion of all proceeds to the foundation.

Finally, letting your patients know what’s going on with your practice and keeping it at the top of mind is imperative. Show off your sales to entice them in and your education to keep them coming back. 

Whether you’re experienced in marketing for your practice or wrapping your head around how paid advertising works, Urge Interactive is here to help grow your business. Give us a call for a free consultation and to see how you can build up your bottom line: (310) 496-8471